jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010



“Corren tiempos extraños para ser judío” –expresión recurrente de algunos personajes de la novela titulada El sindicato de policía yiddish (1) de Michael Chabon (pronunciémoslo Shaybon). Expresión que también podrían utilizar David Harari (2) y Teodoro Rubén Potaz (3) en nuestro país, ambos miembros de la comunidad judía local y víctimas de las escabrosas maniobras realizadas por una poderosa secta de ese mismo origen.

David y Teodoro hoy están alejados de sus hijos y luchan con denuedo por recuperarlos, pero el enraizamiento de los zarcillos de la secta Jabad Lubavitch en la trama de las instituciones y el poder es muy sólido y solapado como para que puedan lograrlo en condiciones normales

Luego de leer los artículos publicados en Periódico Tribuna y en La voz y la opinión en que se denuncian los casos de Harari y Potaz me llamo a la reflexión, el tema: ¿qué persigue una secta incautando niños y niñas a padres pertenecientes a su mismo grupo cultural o étnico? Las conjeturas pueden ser muchas y, por esas asociaciones que realiza el intelecto cuando uno tiende a reflexionar, relacioné estos artículos con dos libros. El primero de ellos es la novela ya mencionada de Chabon y el segundo es una obra titulada “Jesús y Yahvé. Los nombres divinos” de Harold Bloom. (4)

La novela de Chabon es una lograda ucronía con trama policial en la que el Estado de Israel no se funda en 1948, por lo que grandes contingentes de judíos sobrevivientes de la segunda guerra fueron trasladados a Sitka, Alaska, en donde se funda un territorio judío transitorio. En este presente alternativo, en Sitka, un detective, Meyer Landsman y su compañero-primo, Berko Shemetz, deben resolver un asesinato. El del hijo yonqui del gran rabino de la secta Verbover y, probablemente, el Tzaddik Ha-Dor, “el más justo de su generación”, mesías en potencia.

En la obra, la secta Verbover, muy similar a la Jabad Lubavitch en su origen, historia y estética, ha extendido sus tentáculos a diversos negocios en los que no faltan las actividades delictivas de toda índole, la isla Verbov es casi una zona de exclusión para la policía de Sitka. Por intervención de un judío laico, Alter Litvak, colaborador de los servicios de los EEUU, ultra-maquiavélico, el gran rabino acuerda participar de un plan para recuperar Palestina para los judíos, demoler el santuario islámico Qubbat As-Sajra, la Cúpula de la Roca, en Jerusalén y restaurar el antiguo Templo. En este punto la trama policial deviene a trama política. Una urdimbre que puede tener mucho de real.
Que un presidente de EEUU evangelista (de esas nuevas religiones estadounidenses que tan bien describe H. Bloom) trate de acelerar el fin de los tiempos para lo cual apoya a un grupo de judíos mesiánicos, deseosos de precipitar la llegada del mesías, para que vuelen el conflictivo santuario, generando así la Tercera Guerra, el Armagedón, suena a historia descabellada conocida. En la novela de Chabon, el presidente estadounidense está por revocar el territorio transitorio de los judíos en Sitka, los apremia.

Louis Sahagun de Los Angeles Times, en un artículo publicado en junio de 2006 titulado “Fin del mundo”, expone: “De acuerdo a varias encuestas, un 40 por ciento de los estadounidenses creen que una secuencia de acontecimientos que presagian el fin de los tiempos ya está en camino (...)
Para los cristianos, el futuro de Israel es la clave de cualquier guión para el fin de los tiempos, y varios grupos se están acercando a los judíos -haciendo proselitismo entre ellos- para fomentar la Segunda Venida.”

En el mismo artículo Sahagun informa además: “El evangélico John C. Hagee, de los 19 mil miembros de la Iglesia Fundamental de San Antonio, ha ayudado a 12 mil judíos rusos a trasladarse a Israel, y donado varios millones de dólares a hospitales y orfelinatos israelíes.”

", dice Hagee, refiriéndose al momento poco antes de la venida de Jesús cuando los verdaderos fieles del mundo serán transportados al cielo.”

", dice Hagee, que lleva un chal de oraciones judíos cuando sirve su ministerio.”

En otro caso denunciado en Periódico Tribuna (5), el de Alberto Martínez, casado con Silvina Daichowski, interviene la Jabad Lubavitch y una asociación civil que opera tras el rótulo de Iglesia Evangélica Fuente de Vida.

La vaquilla roja y las historias descabelladas

Historias descabelladas abundan en las crónicas de la civilización humana. Bina Gelbfish, ex esposa y actual jefe de Meyer Landsman en la ucronía de Chabon, las detesta. Y la historia que le cuenta su ex esposo acerca de las andanzas de los verbovers con Alter Litvak incluye un centro de entrenamiento en Alaska en el que además de preparar jóvenes para el gran golpe, se crían vaquillas con el afán de que una de ellas sea cien por ciento roja. A ella eso le parece el colmo de lo descabellado. “Mala suerte… que te gusten las explicaciones simples en un mundo lleno de judíos”, le responde reb Litvak a la inspectora.

Siguiendo a las Escrituras, sectas judías creen que el sacrificio de una vaquilla roja pura contribuiría enormemente a la llegada del Mesías y restaurador del Templo. Cito a Louis Sahagún, del artículo antes mencionado: “Luego está Clyde Lott, un ganadero y predicador evangélico de Mississippi. Está tratando de reunir una manada única de vaquillas rojas para satisfacer un oscuro mandato en el Libro de los Números: el sacrificio de una vaquilla roja, sin manchas, para los rituales de purificación que son necesarios para allanar el camino del mesías.

De momento, sólo una de sus vacas ha sido confirmada por los rabíes como adecuada, lo que quiere decir que no encontraron en el cuerpo animal tres pelos negros o blancos.”

Harold Bloom escribe: “En el año 2004, mientras escribo este libro, lo único que podemos esperar es que (Yahvé) no vuelva a exigir su Templo otra vez, pues su emplazamiento lo ocupa la mezquita de Al-Aqsa, y ya tenemos suficientes guerras religiosas sin lo que podría acabar siendo la catástrofe final.

Los celotas que hay en Jerusalén y desperdigados por el fundamentalismo protestante estadounidense conspiran incesantemente para destruir esa inconveniente mezquita, y en los Estados Unidos se están criando novillos convenientemente puros y rojos para futuros sacrificios con los que atraer de nuevo a Yahvé a los terrenos de su templo.”

Menciono toda esta verificada locura sólo para confesar la incómoda mengua de mi escepticismo en relación con Yahvé. Dudar de su continuada existencia es un ejercicio racional, pero es que no se trata de una entidad estática, el igual que el Dios Padre cristiano. Su temible dinamismo hace que incluso sus ausencias se conviertan en fuente de agitación.” (6). El desatino está en marcha

Todo se trata de contar historias

El agente de la C.I.A. Cashdollar, personaje de El sindicato… en las postrimerías de la novela le dice a Landsman: “Estamos contando una historia(…) ese es nuestro trabajo.” Contar historias es para ese hombre y para los que él trabaja, hacer que de verdad ocurran. En la novela, Cashdollar, es uno que desea que llegue el final de los tiempos y “opera” para que eso suceda.

Constantemente nos están contando historias. A algunas les damos crédito a otras no. A las que les damos crédito las repetimos, a veces hasta el hartazgo. Eso es lo que hace que las historias acontezcan.

Conjeturando que miembros de la secta Jabad Lubavitch sean afines a los dislates antes descriptos, la historia que se me ocurre, es que las maniobras que ejecutan en casos como los de Harari, Potaz y Martinez-Daichowski tienen como objeto captar oyentes para contarles una historia. Una versión que se adecue a sus propósitos.

En la historia que a mí se me ocurre los lubavitchers implicados reclutan almas> carne y sangre para que cumplan un rol en la historia que se les ha impuesto. Niños y niñas que van a ser educados, adiestrados, programados con una sola visión del mundo. Una visión sustentada por viejos odios y rencores, puesta en la catástrofe y en el colapso de la sociedad humana tal como la concebimos hoy.
Es, sin duda, una historia cruel.

Luis Mazzarello
Especial para Tribuna de periodistas


(1) Chabon, Michael. El sindicato de policía Yiddish – 1º edición – Buenos Aires: Mondadori, 2008.

(2) Sanz, Christian. La pesadilla de David ¿Cuándo se acabará el negocio judicial de las falsas denuncias? – Periódico Tribuna de Periodistas, 12 de abril de 2008.

(3) La Historia que no se cuenta – La voz y la opinión.

(4) Bloom, Harold. Jesús y Yahvé: los nombres divinos – 1º edición – Buenos Aires: Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara, 2006.

(5) Sanz, Christian. Los perversos Jabad Lubavitch. De sectas y desaparición de personas – Periódico Tribuna de Periodistas, 7 de enero de 2007

(6) Bloom, Harold. Op. Cit.

A pesar de esto —de una relación de pareja sin mayores problemas conyugales— un día Silvina desapareció sin dejar rastro y sin excusarse siquiera. Al mismo tiempo, comenzó la pesadilla de Alberto para intentar encontrar a su mujer, motivo por el cual hizo una denuncia en la Justicia por "desaparición de persona". Fue el principio de otra serie de eventos extraños.
Lo primero que llama la atención es que, a poco de sustanciarse el pertinente expediente, apareció una "supuesta" Silvina Daichowski en el juzgado y, sin presentar el documento pertinente que acreditara su identidad —argumentando que se le había roto—, declaró que había abandonado su hogar por propia voluntad. No sólo es sospechoso que "esta" Silvina no utilizara un documento alternativo, sino el hecho de que la Justicia no le exigiera prueba alguna de su identidad.
Por si esto fuera poco, la declaración efectuada fue firmada con un garabato totalmente diferente al que solía utilizar Silvina para refrendar su identidad. A punto tal, que un peritaje caligráfico determinó que no era su signatura.
Insólitamente, tampoco dejó domicilio alguno donde poder ubicarla y su declaración fue efectuada cincuenta días después de haber "desaparecido".

Línea de tiempo

Para poder saber qué sucedió con Silvina hay que hacer un ejercicio típico de la investigación básica: recrear las horas y días previos a su desaparición: "Poco antes de evaporarse, Silvina sufrió el acoso permanente por parte de dos grupos bien diferenciados, o quizás no tanto: por un lado gente de la secta judía Jabad Lubavitch y por otro su propia familia", aseguró a este periodista Alberto, su ex concubino. Esos aprietes, según pudo saberse luego, se sumaban a diversos tipos de amenazas que sufrió durante meses y en las cuales le anticipaban que le iba a "pasar algo" y que no la iban a dejar "vivir en paz".
No faltaron otros ingredientes a este culebrón: raros llamados al teléfono familiar y la visita de misteriosos personajes que, con su mera presencia, imponían temor a la familia. Esto fue una constante hasta último momento. Eso sí, cuando desapareció Silvina, desaparecieron las presiones. Todo un dato.
Prosigue Alberto: "Algunos días después de que dejamos de tener noticias de mi esposa, cuando yo no conocía ni sabía qué era aquel lugar (la sede de Jabad), al localizar al padre de ella (de Silvina) me dice que el no sabía donde estaba, pero que la tenía la madre con 'los Lubavitch'. La verdad que en aquel momento no le creí, pero recuerdo que me dio ese nombre ya que le pregunté quiénes eran. De manera un tanto confusa me explicó que a él le daban medicamentos y que le habían dicho para presionarlo que si seguía sin ver a su hija se los iban a sacar. Bastante tiempo después de que lo llamaran a declarar, cuando volví a verlo, negó haberme dicho nada de eso, lo que me sorprendió".
A efectos de poder profundizar esa línea de investigación, este periodista intentó hablar con gente de Jabad Lubavitch, pero no lo logró. A la negativa de hablar sobre el tema, se agregó la amenaza de una querella penal —y de otro tipo— en caso de publicar algún artículo periodístico contra ellos.
Lo que en principio fue tomado como una humorada por quien escribe estas líneas, dejó de serlo cuando descubrió qué clase de gente son los Lubavitch. Considerada una verdadera secta dentro del judaísmo, esta organización posee 3.000 centros distribuidos en más de 70 países a nivel mundial. En la Argentina posee 28 sedes en seis provincias y se estima que cuenta con unos 10.000 seguidores. Según cuenta diario Perfil, es un movimiento que nació "hace más de 230 años en el pueblo bielorruso de Lubavitch, el movimiento tuvo su despegue local a mediados de los 90, bajo la mirada crítica y por momentos desconfiada del resto del judaísmo vernáculo. Sucede que sus miembros se definen por la fidelidad extrema a la palabra de la Torá (los cinco primeros libros de la Biblia).
Pero a diferencia de la ortodoxia a secas y a pesar de que muchos de los hábitos seguidos por sus miembros puedan parecer medievales, Jabad trabaja con la tecnología más moderna, desde revistas y programas de televisión hasta un importante sitio de Internet y la lectura de rezos en la pantalla de una palm."
Esa es el costado más conocido de la secta, pero posee uno más oscuro vinculado a la recaudación furiosa de dinero, a cualquier precio y bajo la fachada de la supuesta "ayuda social". "Fijáte que están metidos en todos los 'quilombos' en los que aparecen involucradas personas de la colectividad judía, como fue en su momento el tráfico de diamantes", aseguró un poco conocido rabino a este medio con gran preocupación y temor.
Y es que la mera mención de los Jabad a la hora de buscar entrevistados cierra todas las puertas. "Vos no sabés el poder que tienen estos tipos, te diría que dejes tu investigación de lado", advirtió uno de los pocos que se animó a hablar.

Perfume de mujer

Decíamos que, pocas semanas antes de desaparecer, Silvina era acosada por diversas personas que repentinamente aparecieron en su vida. Una de ellas era una mujer que había trabajado con ella una década antes y de pronto comenzó a aparecer "casualmente" una y otra vez en el camino de la pareja. No casualmente, es de la casa de esta misteriosa mujer que desapareció Silvina.
"La mujer de la casa de donde desaparece no era amiga de ella, sólo la conocía de un trabajo y hacía más de diez años que no la veía. Sin embargo durante mucho tiempo quedó en el expediente como el único nexo para 'ubicarla'. En los últimos días previos a la desaparición, ella encontró a esta mujer varias veces en distintos lugares muy distantes unos de otros de manera aparentemente casual, situación tan repetida que hasta llamó la atención de mi esposa, quien me lo comentó. De hecho, es por eso que tras buscar en varios lugares yo llego a ese departamento en el cual primero durante varios días me negaron conocerla", aseguró Alberto en una de las entrevistas sostenidas con este periodista.
Más adelante, aportó un dato que sería el disparador esencial para empezar a entender lo sucedido: "mucho tiempo después notamos que Jabad quedaba en la misma manzana de la casa de la cual Silvina desaparece, con lo cual empezamos a entender las versiones que nos llegaban sobre este grupo."
Efectivamente, el dato aportado por Alberto era real, ya que la central de Jabad Lubavitch está ubicada en la calle Agüero 1164 de esta Capital Federal, justo a la vuelta de su casa. Lo que no sabía el cónyuge de Silvina es la relación entre su suegra, Catalina Rebeca Wirkierman, y este mismo grupo, el cual a su vez estaría relacionado con otra secta —en este caso evangelista— llamada Fuente de Vida.
No casualmente, la única vez que Silvina apareció en el juzgado donde se investiga su desaparición lo hace acompañada por personeros de este último grupo.

Fuente de ¿vida?

Fuente de Vida es una "asociación civil" —CUIT 30-70705090-6— que esconde detrás de su fachada de iglesia evangelista una peligrosa secta que esclaviza a algunos de sus miembros y se aprovecha económicamente de otros. Uno de los que comanda sus actividades es el pastor Christian Grillo, a cargo de la parte administrativa del lugar.
En el año 2006, este periodista intentó llegar a él a efectos de verificar la posible presencia de Silvina en ese lugar. Con una batería de preguntas y armado de paciencia se dirigió a la calle Eva Perón 3932 de esta Capital Federal, sede de Fuente de Vida. Allí pudo hablar con diversos concurrentes a las ceremonias del grupo evangelista, los cuales identificaron positivamente una colorida foto de Silvina como asidua asistente a ese mismo lugar.
"Sí, esta chica venía seguido por acá, ahora hace bastante que no la veo, pero siempre venía. Tenía otro color de pelo, pero es la misma persona sin dudas", aseguró un humilde seguidor del pastor Grillo. Lo mismo fue confirmado por otras personas presentes, lo cual despertó las esperadas sospechas de uno de los encargados de la seguridad del lugar. "¿Por qué no te vas, flaco? Antes de seguir preguntándole a la gente averiguá por qué Silvina lo dejó al marido, ella nunca estuvo acá contra su voluntad. Igual ya no está más", aseguró el improvisado "patovica".
A esa altura era evidente que la mujer ya había sido derivada hacia otro lugar. La clave la aportó otro de los guardias del lugar, probablemente sensibilizado por la insistencia de este cronista. "El pastor a cargo de acá es un tal Emir Fures, no Christian Grillo. Grillo actualmente es pastor junto con Ricardo Cascabelos, en una Iglesia de Morón, que viene a ser una especie de sucursal. Buscála ahí a la piba", aseguró el corpulento personaje, agregando un dato final: "tienen otra Iglesia en La Plata, en la calle 54, entre 10 y 11, con otro número de CUIT (1), aunque son las mismas personas. Eso sí, yo no te dije nada".
El rastreo por los lugares mencionados no arrojó resultado positivo alguno, por lo cual —como última alternativa— se intentó hablar con la familia de Silvina. Las pocas palabras obtenidas por parte de la madre de esta, Catalina Wirkierman, fueron de total descalificación hacia Alberto, y sin posibilidad de hacer preguntas precisas.
Segundos más tarde, la comunicación se cortó abruptamente y no fue posible volver a hablar con la mujer.


Algunas de las personas que han frecuentado a Silvina poco antes de que se evaporara, aseguran que tenía mucho temor de que algo pudiera sucederle y hasta existen denuncias formales al respecto. No es el único caso y, seguramente, no será el último. Hay docenas de denuncias contra Jabad Lubavitch por situaciones similares y hasta peores (2).
En el caso concreto de Silvina, basta leer el expediente judicial pertinente para ver la cantidad de irregularidades en torno a su desaparición e incluso en el marco de la instrucción de la causa.
Se hace evidente que hay un poder concreto y brutal detrás de toda esta movida, que no permite avanzar hacia el esclarecimiento de su evaporación. Es el mismo poder que genera el mencionado temor en aquellos a los que se indaga sobre Jabad Lubavitch.
En este contexto, Alberto sigue en su infructuosa búsqueda, sin saber en quién puede confiar y en quién no.

Christian Sanz

(1) La averiguación posterior arrojó el siguiente número de CUIT: 30-68458823-7

(2) Ver:http://www.periodicotribuna.com.ar/Articulo.asp?Articulo=2659 y


domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

Zenani Mandela killed while returning from World Cup opening concert

Mandela Family: FIFA Putting Him Under 'Extreme Pressure' To Attend World Cup Final

JOHANNESBURG — Nelson Mandela will greet fans ahead of Sunday's World Cup final at Soccer City, his grandson says.

The 91-year-old anti-apartheid icon will then go home and watch the final between Spain and Netherlands, Mandla Mandela told The Associated Press.

"He said that he wants to come out and greet fans at the stadium," Mandela said, adding that the former South African president was resting Sunday afternoon so he could be "fresh and energetic" for the appearance. The match between Spain and the Netherlands was to kick off at 8:30 p.m. local time.

Mandela has kept a low profile during the monthlong tournament, having decided against attending the opening game on June 11 following the death of his great-granddaughter.

Earlier, Mandla Mandela criticized FIFA for putting "extreme pressure" on the man who led South Africa out of apartheid to attend the World Cup final.

He said FIFA was being "inconsiderate," given that the family is still in mourning.

"My grandfather has recently lost a great-granddaughter and the family is in mourning," Mandela said. "They should be appraised of our customs and traditions."

Mandela's 13-year-old great-granddaughter, Zenani Mandela, was killed in a car crash while returning from the World Cup opening concert.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has said it would be "wonderful" for Mandela to be at the final, having been instrumental in bringing the first World Cup to Africa.

La Lola o Elola

La comandante 'blog'
JOSEBA ELOLA 11/07/2010

Una revolución se está gestando en la Red. Webs de nuevo cuño disputan el liderazgo informativo a los grandes medios tradicionales. Gurús como Jeff Jarvis, pesos pesados como Bill Keller, director de 'The New York Times', e innovadores como Jim Vandehei, de 'Político', protagonizan esta serie de entrevistas sobre el futuro del periodismo. Abrimos con la mujer que ha roto el orden establecido

La cita se produjo en el Century Club de Nueva York, un local chapado a la antigua, año 2005. Allí la llevó a comer el viejo Arthur M. Schlesinger, historiador, ex asesor de John Fitzgerald Kennedy, voz profunda de la Norteamérica liberal. Schlesinger quería que su amiga Arianna Huffington le explicara qué era aquello de lo que habían hablado por teléfono, qué era esa cosa llamada blog.

De frente y perfil
Bienvenidos al 'ecosistema'
La noticia en otros webs

"Estoy suscrita a siete periódicos, no creo que vayan a desaparecer: los mejores se ajustarán y sobrevivirán"

"Desde el principio nos dimos cuenta de que la conversación política y cultural se movía al entorno 'online"

"El fracaso, en muchas ocasiones, es la piedra con la que te tropiezas en el camino hacia el éxito"
Arianna Huffington andaba volcada en el lanzamiento de su nuevo proyecto. Una web que incorporara a cientos de blogueros interesantes. Si algo tenía La Huff era agenda de contactos. Su paso por el mundo de la política, la cultura y los medios, sus años en Washington, Nueva York y Los Ángeles, y su arte para cultivar las relaciones sociales había hecho que tuviera amigos famosos, influyentes y mediáticos por doquier. Cualquier persona con la que se encontraba en una cena, en un cóctel o en un estreno y que le resultara interesante se convertía en uno de sus objetivos en aquellos días. "¿Quieres escribir un blog?", la pregunta del millón.

La comida en el Century Club fue un éxito. Arianna Huffington estaba convencida de que la voz de Schlesinger se tenía que escuchar más a menudo, que no se podía esperar al momento en que editara nuevo libro. "Él y yo éramos los más jóvenes de la sala; imagina lo viejos que debían de ser los demás", recuerda con una sonrisa Arianna en su luminoso despacho de la calle Broadway, en el corazón del Soho neoyorquino. El historiador salió de la comida convencido. Poco ducho en el manejo de las herramientas tecnológicas, se le facilitó la tarea: podía enviar sus post por fax, ya se encargaría alguien de volcarlos a la Red. "Cuando lanzamos la web se quedó estupefacto con la cantidad de gente que le leyó". Así arrancó la gran aventura de The Huffington Post.

Su fundadora tiró de agenda e incorporó a políticos y periodistas, actores, directores de cine, escritores: Norman Mailer, Nora Ephron, Alec Baldwin, John Cusack. Su web, una extensión de su vocación por las relaciones públicas, una prolongación de su frenética y selecta vida social, nació como espacio de encuentro de distintas voces con 500 blogueros construyendo comunidad. Ahora tiene 6.000. Recibió más de 2,8 millones de comentarios de sus lectores el mes pasado. Está pisando los talones al sitio web de información líder, el de The New York Times. Cuenta con más de 12,3 millones de usuarios únicos al mes, según Comscore; dos millones hace tan solo dos años.

The Huffington Post, una espiral que no deja de incorporar visitantes, es el gran fenómeno, como sitio de noticias de nuevo cuño, de la era digital. Los expertos calculan que para finales de año ya habrá sobrepasado en función de tráfico al sanctasanctórum, The New York Times: la llamada Dama gris del quiosco norteamericano, amenazada por la gran dama de la blogosfera.

The Huffington Post es un sitio web en el que la información política ocupa en torno a un 25% del espacio. Abre siempre con un gran tema sustentado en una gran imagen. Incorpora 22 secciones: desde política hasta comedia, pasando por tecnología y estilo. Está abriendo nuevas secciones locales (ya está presente en Chicago, Denver, Los Ángeles y Nueva York). El miércoles pasado, sin ir más lejos, abría con una nueva imagen del vertido de crudo en el golfo de México, con vídeos y enlaces a nuevas informaciones sobre la catástrofe medioambiental. Contribuía como bloguero Dominique Strauss- Kahn (director gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional) con un post -entrega, nota- sobre crecimiento y empleo. Junto a otros sesudos post que analizan la actualidad nacional e internacional, se destacaba un mix de noticias donde cabían las fotos de la nueva mansión de Lady Gaga en Beverly Hills, una historia sobre por qué los hombres engañan a las mujeres, o los reveladores secretos de la modelo Kendra Wilkinson, que acaba de relatar en un libro sus encuentros sexuales con Hugh Hefner, fundador de Playboy.

Nada como darse un paseo por la redacción de The Huffington Post en el Soho neoyorquino para certificar que se trata de una empresa de la nueva era: un ejército de veinteañeros y treintañeros domina en la redacción. Con 127 empleados, 55 de ellos periodistas, (frente a los 1.000 de The New York Times), el Huffpo produce algunas noticias propias, pero, sobre todo, selecciona noticias de otros medios y las presenta del modo más elegante posible (generando tráfico hacia esos medios mediante enlaces). A la pregunta de cuál era la proporción de contenido propio frente a contenido enlazado se obtuvo la respuesta "te buscaré las cifras", cifras que no terminaron de llegar.

Se financia mediante publicidad. Llevaban cinco años en pos del santo grial: la rentabilidad. "Ya somos rentables", anuncia con orgullo Arianna Huffington con su pelo impecable de laca y su elegante chaqueta rosa larga. Eso sí, no facilita cifras. Según publicó Business Insider, los ingresos en 2009 fueron de 11,8 millones de euros.

Pregunta. Cuando puso en marcha este proyecto en mayo de 2005, ¿en algún momento imaginó que podía llegar a convertirse en semejante fenómeno?

Respuesta. Nunca sabes del todo cómo va a ir un proyecto. Fuimos afortunados en el momento del lanzamiento, fuimos el primer sitio que combinó el estar 24 horas, siete días a la semana, a base de noticias seleccionadas con nuestra particular visión, con una gran colección de voces en nuestro blog: empezamos con 500 blogueros y ahora tenemos 6.000. Desde el principio nos dimos cuenta de que la conversación, política y cultural, se movía al entorno online, pero muchas voces importantes no estaban allí.

Mantener una entrevista fluida con Arianna Huffington es misión solo apta para titanes. Que si te presenta a uno de la oficina, que si te da la copia de su último libro, que si se acaba de acordar de algo que le quería decir a su secretaria... "Espera, perdona, que voy a enviar un mensaje a mi hija" fueron las primeras palabras que pronunció La Huff apenas se encendía la tecla de rec en la grabadora digital y nos sentábamos en los sofás color crema tipo Chester. Un comienzo prometedor.

Mujer con una blanca sonrisa siempre dispuesta, Arianna Huffington no mira fijamente a los ojos, sino un poco por encima de estos. Con el aspecto de una gran dama de la alta sociedad norteamericana, habla con voz suave y algo arenosa. A sus 59 años, mantiene un ligero acento de su Grecia natal. Su habilidad para salirse por peteneras cuando la ocasión lo requiere es notable.P.

La tendencia en el tráfico apunta a que antes de finales de año su web podría sobrepasar a la de The New York Times.

P. Yo prefiero fijarme en dónde estamos ahora. Estamos por delante de The Washington Post, de The Wall Street Journal y del USA Today.
Prefiero cuidar nuestra visión de The Huffington Post. El tráfico es muy importante, afecta a los anunciantes, al alcance que tienes, pero no es el único criterio. Si así fuera, perderíamos el toque, la visión de The Huffington Post, que es combinar lo mejor de lo viejo con lo mejor de lo nuevo, los valores del periodismo tradicional (contrastar, ser justo, ser riguroso) y unirlo a todo lo bueno que tiene ser un periódico online. Tenemos una audiencia muy comprometida, el mes pasado recibimos casi tres millones de comentarios, estamos involucrados en todas las redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter)... Nuestros lectores leen, pero también comparten y a veces contribuyen con sus aportaciones a las historias.

P. Ustedes han apostado claramente por el periodismo ciudadano, pero, ¿en qué medida puede este alcanzar los estándares de calidad profesional, en términos de rigor, de no estar guiado por la opinión?

R. Yo creo en una fórmula híbrida de periodismo: necesitamos editores profesionales, periodistas profesionales y cientos de ciudadanos periodistas que lo harán como lo hicieron en el último levantamiento que se produjo en Irán, desde sus comunidades.

Arianna Huffington se levanta del sofá. Antes de que se le olvide, dice, quiere ir a por un ejemplar de su nuevo libro, el decimotercero, que se publicará en septiembre de 2010: América Tercer Mundo: cómo nuestros políticos están abandonando a la clase media y traicionando el sueño americano.

P. ¿Cuáles considera que fueron las mejores decisiones que tomó para conducir al éxito a su web?

R. Una de las mejores decisiones fue que desde el principio quisimos que hubiera un ambiente civilizado: no permitimos ataques personales. Tenemos comentarios moderados por la tecnología y por moderadores, y eso crea un ambiente civilizado en el que se puede producir un auténtico debate, en el que puede haber disensiones, pero no una atmósfera tóxica. Una de las cosas que podemos hacer online, que es parte de su ADN, es seguir las historias: das una noticia y cada día añades algo. Nosotros contamos historias. Creemos que una de las cosas más importantes en periodismo es contar historias. No solo dar estadísticas, números, hechos.

Ha costado cinco años conseguir la rentabilidad. El volumen de tráfico que tienen, 12,3 millones de usuarios únicos al mes, explica en parte los resultados. Pero su victoria es la de haber creado una gran comunidad que debate en la Red, que manda comentarios al ejército de 6.000 blogueros. "Cada día colocamos 250 posts originales", ilustra. A este gran tráfico se une una estructura de nuevo cuño, propia de la era digital: plantilla reducida (127 empleados frente a los 1.000 de The New York Times), bajos costes. En cuanto al crecimiento de los ingresos publicitarios, Huffington explica que ha contribuido en gran medida el fichaje del ex director de publicidad de Yahoo! y la contratación de 10 experimentados ejecutivos de ventas. General Electric, Coke, Mercedes, Johnson&Johnson, Siemens, Microsoft, Toyota, Pepsi: los grandes están ahí.

Arianna Huffington vive a caballo entre Nueva York y Los Ángeles. Pero cada vez pasa más tiempo en la base neoyorquina para estar cerca de sus dos hijas, Isabella, de 19 años, y Christina, de 21: ambas estudian en la Universidad de Yale.

Su despacho está decorado con fotos de sus dos chicas, e incluso cuadros realizados por ellas. Huffington es una mujer muy de familia. Muy de clan. Desde que se separó de su marido, Michael Huffington, magnate del petróleo que desarrolló una carrera política en las filas republicanas, ha vivido rodeada de sus dos hijas y de su hermana, Agapi.

Nació Arianna Stassinopoulos un 15 de julio de 1950 en Atenas. Su padre, Constatine, fue periodista y cayó prisionero en campos de concentración durante la ocupación nazi. Cuando la pequeña Arianna tenía 11 años sus padres se separaron. A los 16 años ya viajó a Inglaterra, donde realizó sus estudios universitarios en Cambridge. A los 23 años escribió su primer libro, The female woman, y desembarcó por primera vez en Nueva York para promocionarlo; un libro que si por algo no destacó fue por su talante feminista.

En 1980 aterrizaba, ya para instalarse, en Nueva York con su madre y su hermana. Tenía muy claro en qué país quería desarrollar su carrera. Su amigo el editor lord Weidenfield, según relató en 2008 The Times, el hombre que la animó a que escribiera una biografía sobre María Callas (lo hizo), fue quien le dio el consejo clave: que se hiciese amiga, no de los hombres poderosos del Upper East Side, el barrio rico, no; mejor, de sus mujeres. Su ambición, su facilidad para hacer amigos y su talento para las relaciones sociales hicieron el resto.

P. ¿Y qué es lo que queda de la chica de pueblo griega que habita en usted?

R. Oh, muchas cosas, por supuesto. Mi curiosidad interminable con la gente, mi sentido del optimismo con la vida, que es muy griego; amo mi trabajo, me siento muy afortunada de no separar mi vida de mi trabajo y eso es mucha suerte en esta vida.

Fue en 1985 cuando, invitada a la mansión de Ann Getty (sí, de los Getty de toda la vida) en San Francisco, conoció a Michael Huffington, magnate del petróleo que le dio dos hijas y el nombre del experimento periodístico web más sorpresivo del nuevo siglo.

Se casaron en 1986; vivieron en Washington y en Los Ángeles. Arianna se implicó de lleno en la carrera política de su marido, republicano que llegó a altas esferas del Departamento de Defensa bajo la Administración de Reagan. Le apoyó incluso en los momentos más duros, cuando, en plena campaña, el flamante candidato que luchaba por conseguir un asiento en el Senado fue acusado de tener contratada a una inmigrante sin papeles en casa. Arianna asumió públicamente toda la culpa.

La pareja se separó en 1998, y pocos meses después, en una entrevista con la revista Esquire, Michael Huffington declaraba su condición de bisexual.

Cinco años más tarde, en 2003, Arianna Huffington daba un nuevo giro a su vida y lanzaba su carrera política presentándose como independiente al puesto de gobernadora de California. Su rival: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Pero un nuevo escándalo la expulsó de la carrera política.

P. Usted ha vivido tantas vidas distintas. ¿Fue el momento en que se tuvo que retirar de la carrera electoral, cuando se descubrió que solo había pagado 771 dólares de impuestos durante dos años, el más duro profesionalmente en su carrera?

R. Fue una experiencia de la que aprendí mucho, y he escrito mucho del fracaso en mis libros; eso, obviamente, fue un fracaso, pero el fracaso no es lo contrario del éxito, el fracaso muchas veces es la piedra con la que te tropiezas en el camino al éxito. Aprendí tanto de esa experiencia, de Internet y de lo importante que podía llegar a ser en nuestras vidas... las semillas de lo que luego ha sido The Huffington Post fueron creadas en esa campaña.

P. Para mucha gente se ha producido una sorprendente evolución de sus ideas políticas, desde su apoyo a conservadores republicanos como Newt Gingrich hasta su conversión en adalid de la izquierda liberal.

R. Siempre he sido progresista en los temas sociales: estoy a favor del aborto, por el control de las armas, por los derechos de los gays, incluso cuando era republicana. La gran diferencia es que hubo un tiempo en que creí que el sector privado resolvería los problemas sociales de América. Luego vi en primera línea que eso no iba a producirse.

Dos años tardó en remontar el vuelo. Vio que la Red era el futuro. A Arianna Huffington, más que gurú de Internet, se la considera crack del marketing viral, de las técnicas de mercadotecnia que apuran las posibilidades de las redes sociales para multiplicar el número de personas que acceden a una marca o a un sitio web. El 9 de mayo de 2005 ya estaba en marcha su nuevo proyecto, The Huffington Post. Arianna es una luchadora. Nunca se rinde. En 2009, la revista Forbes le otorgaba el puesto número 12º en la lista de mujeres más influyentes en los medios.

P. Su hermana dice que para usted nada es suficiente.

R. Estoy mejorando. Ella se refiere a mi perfeccionismo, que en ocasiones puede convertirse en un problema. Pero tener a mis hijas, verlas crecer y ver el perfeccionismo en ellas me hace serlo menos, conformarme con el "suficiente", porque no hay perfección en este mundo, a lo que más puedes aspirar es a la excelencia.

Suena el teléfono. Arianna se ríe. "Dime, rápido, que estoy en medio de una entrevista con EL PAÍS. Dime, ¿qué vamos a hacer?". Huffington sorbe pacientemente su café con leche helado en gran vaso de plástico. Silencio. El interlocutor habla. "Como vamos tan mal de tiempo, por qué no sigues adelante, cueste lo que cueste, y nos movemos al plan B, ese es el único día en que podemos hacerlo... No, porque entonces ya me habré ido a Aspen, y luego, a Nueva York... Vale, entonces, nos quedamos con el plan A". Llega el rumor lejano de los taxis pitando en la calle Broadway, el sol cae a plomo, son las tres de la tarde.

P. Ustedes han puesto en marcha una iniciativa de periodismo de investigación sin ánimo de lucro, con 1,38 millones de dólares y 10 periodistas contratados. ¿Conseguirán este tipo de iniciativas preservar el periodismo de investigación, que algunos consideran en peligro de extinción?

R. Ahí está Propública (web norteamericana sin ánimo de lucro), que ganó el Premio Pullitzer. Hay un montón de webs locales que están investigando, financiadas por fundaciones, particulares, o sea, que esta es una vía, no solo de preservar el periodismo de investigación, sino de hacerlo mejor. A los medios tradicionales se les escaparon dos de las grandes historias de nuestro tiempo: la inexistencia de armas de destrucción masiva en Irak y lo que nos llevó a la crisis financiera.

P. Algunos de los medios de Rupert Murdoch (The Wall Street Journal y The Times) ya están cobrando por los contenidos, ¿ustedes lo harán o lo harían?

R. Como dice Jeff Jarvis, vivimos en la economía del link (enlace). En la economía del link, los links son la manera de monetizar contenido.

P. ¿Y qué opina del hecho de que Rupert Murdoch diga que los sitios agregadores de noticias son piratas y plagiadores?

R. Si miras los hechos, lo que hacemos es el uso justo en virtud de las actuales leyes de copyright. Solo se toma un párrafo, o así, y se pone un link a la historia original. De ese modo generamos mucho tráfico hacia esa historia. Por ese motivo tenemos constantes peticiones de reporteros de otros medios para que enlacemos a sus historias. Hay mucha gente, en muchas industrias, que lo pasa mal en el proceso de ajuste a la nueva realidad. Esta es una tecnología disruptiva que ha sacudido a los editores, mucha gente está pasando por tiempos duros, tiempos de tomar conciencia y reconocer las nuevas realidades.

P. ¿Cómo ve el panorama mediático dentro de cinco años, cuál es el futuro del periodismo?

R. Yo veo una convergencia. Los medios tradicionales harán cada vez más cosas online, involucrarán a sus lectores cada vez más, y los medios online, como The Huffington Post, harán cada vez más periodismo tradicional.

P. ¿Desaparecerán los periódicos?

R. No. Adoramos los periódicos, hay algo en nuestro ADN que nos hace amar los periódicos. Yo estoy suscrita a siete periódicos. No creo que vayan a desaparecer. Van a tener que ajustarse: algunos desaparecerán, pero los mejores se ajustarán y sobrevivirán. Nosotros queremos revitalizar el periodismo ciudadano, con más historias, más transparencia... Es fundamental no vender la integridad periodística a cambio de acceso, que es uno de los peligros: muchas veces, para conseguir la gran entrevista, ves a los periodistas entregar su independencia.

La esperan desde hace 10 minutos para una reunión. Arianna sale de la oficina dejando la estela de su perfume. Está en racha. Se siente partícipe de una revolución. Y ella encabeza la marcha.

De frente y perfil
» Directora de 'The Huffington Post', 59 años.

» Fundó el sitio web junto a Ken Lerer en mayo de 2005 y ya ha alcanzado los 12,3 millones de usuarios únicos al mes, a un paso del líder en Internet en Estados Unidos, The New York Times.

» Ha escrito 13 libros, es comentarista política, se casó (y separó) de un magnate del petróleo e hizo un intento frustrado de enfrentarse a Arnold Schwarzenegger en las elecciones para gobernador de California.

» Su fórmula: información política, última hora mediante la agencia AP, noticias agregadas de otros medios, gente, 'celebrities' y curiosidades varias.

» La clave: un ejército de 6.000 blogueros vertebra una comunidad de lectores muy comprometidos con el Huffpo como espacio de debate: el mes pasado recibió 2,8 millones de comentarios.

Bienvenidos al 'ecosistema'
El ecosistema es la palabra de moda. Los gurús del periodismo online coinciden a grandes rasgos en augurar un futuro en el que medios de muy distintas naturalezas cohabitarán en la Red
. Habrá webs de nuevo cuño, con plantillas cortas y objetivos largos, que competirán con periódicos en los que el papel será parte de una plataforma digital en la que entran todas las nuevas tecnologías, desde las tabletas electrónicas hasta los propios teléfonos móviles. El entorno, permanentemente mutante al ritmo del cambio tecnológico, impulsará el mecanismo de selección natural de los medios, que convergen en Internet.

Los sitios web nicho, especializados en un tipo de información muy preciso, como Político, web de referencia en Washington; los más locales, con información muy enfocada a la comunidad; los medios integrados en las redes sociales; el periodismo basado en el uso de bases de datos; el periodismo sin ánimo de lucro, financiado por fundaciones o mecenas que quieren que no se pierda una de las piedras de toque de toda democracia que se precie: son estas algunas de las tendencias que irán a más. Gurús del periodismo como Rosental C. Alves y Jeff Jarvis vertirán sus opiniones sobre el futuro de los medios en esta serie en la que aparecen los protagonistas de los fenómenos más interesantes que hay en la Red. Arianna Huffington, artífice de The Huffington Post, cuya historia se relata en estas páginas; Jim Vandehei, director de Político, que también aportará su visión; Bill Keller, director de The New York Times, así como directores de medios europeos aparecerán en estas páginas. Buena parte de los entrevistados no augura un final ni mucho menos inminente para los periódicos impresos en el viejo papel, al que, parece, según dicen, le queda más recorrido del que en ocasiones se le atribuye.

Todas estas entrevistas, domingo a domingo, en estas páginas, acompañadas de un vídeo que se podrá ver en www.elpais.com.

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Marilyn vos Savant (un invento rosacruz)

Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn vos Savant

Born Marilyn Mach

August 11, 1946 (1946-08-11) (age 63)

St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Occupation Author
Known for magazine column; Guinness Records highest IQ

Spouse(s) Robert Jarvik (1987-present)


Marilyn vos Savant (pronounced /ˌvɒs səˈvɑːnt/; born August 11, 1946) is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who rose to fame through her listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ". Since 1986 she has written "Ask Marilyn", a Sunday column in Parade magazine in which she solves puzzles and answers questions from readers on a variety of subjects.


1 Biography
2 "Ask Marilyn"
3 Intelligence quotient score
4 Controversy regarding Fermat's last theorem
5 Famous columns
5.1 The Monty Hall problem
5.2 "Two boys" problem
6 Publications
7 References
8 External links


Vos Savant was born Marilyn Mach in St. Louis, Missouri to Joseph Mach and Marina vos Savant, who had immigrated to the United States from Germany and Italy respectively.

Vos Savant believes that both men and women should keep their premarital surnames for life, with sons taking their fathers' surnames and daughters their mothers'.[1] The word "savant", meaning a person of learning, appears twice in her family: her maternal grandmother's maiden name was Savant, while her maternal grandfather's surname was vos Savant. Vos Savant is of German and Italian ancestry,[2] and is a descendant of physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach.[3]

As a teenager, vos Savant used to spend her time working in her father's general store and enjoyed writing and reading. She sometimes wrote articles and subsequently published them under a pseudonym in the local newspaper, stating that she did not want to misuse her name for work that she perceived to be imperfect. When she was sixteen years old, vos Savant married a university student, but the marriage ended in a divorce when she was in her twenties. Her second marriage ended when she was 35.

Vos Savant studied philosophy at the Washington University in St. Louis despite her parents' desire for a more useful subject. After two years, she dropped out to help with a family investment business, seeking financial freedom to pursue a career in writing.

Vos Savant moved to New York City in the 1980s. Before her weekly column in Parade, vos Savant wrote the Omni I.Q. Quiz Contest for Omni, which contains "I.Q. quizzes" and expositions on intelligence and intelligence testing.

Vos Savant lives in New York City with her husband Robert Jarvik, one of the developers of the Jarvik artificial heart.

Vos Savant is Chief Financial Officer of Jarvik Heart, Inc., and is involved in cardiovascular disease research and prevention. She has served on the Board of Directors of the National Council on Economic Education and on the advisory boards of the National Association for Gifted Children and the National Women's History Museum, which in 1998 gave her a "Women Making History" Award, citing "her contribution to changing stereotypes about women."[4] She was named by Toastmasters International as one of the "Five Outstanding Speakers of 1999," and in 2003 received an honorary Doctor of Letters from The College of New Jersey.

"Ask Marilyn"

Vos Savant is most widely known for her weekly column in Parade, "Ask Marilyn". Vos Savant's listing in the 1986 Guinness Book of World Records brought her widespread media attention. Parade ran a profile of vos Savant with a selection of questions from Parade readers and her answers. Parade continued to receive questions, so "Ask Marilyn" was made into a weekly column.

In "Ask Marilyn", vos Savant answers questions from readers on a wide range of chiefly academic subjects, solves mathematical or logical or vocabulary puzzles posed by readers, occasionally answers requests for advice with logic, and includes quizzes and puzzles devised by vos Savant. Aside from the weekly printed column, "Ask Marilyn" is a daily online column which supplements the printed column by resolving controversial answers, correcting mistakes, expanding answers, reposting previous answers, and answering additional questions.

Three of her books (Ask Marilyn, More Marilyn, and Of Course, I'm for Monogamy) are compilations of questions and answers from "Ask Marilyn"; and The Power of Logical Thinking includes many questions and answers from the column.

Intelligence quotient score
It is generally acknowledged that vos Savant has an extremely high intelligence quotient (IQ) score, and she has held memberships with the high-IQ societies, Mensa International and the Prometheus Society.[5] There is much confusion over the actual value.

Alan S. Kaufman, an author of IQ tests and of books about IQ testing, writes in IQ Testing 101 that "Miss Savant was given an old version of the Stanford-Binet (Terman & Merrill 1937), which did, indeed, use the antiquated formula of MA/CA × 100.
But in the test manual's norms, the Binet does not permit IQs to rise above 170 at any age, child or adult. And the authors of the old Binet stated: 'Beyond fifteen the mental ages are entirely artificial and are to be thought of as simply numerical scores.' (Terman & Merrill 1937). In short, Marilyn vos Savant has always been unusually bright, amazingly gifted, and an extremely funny and entertaining columnist and author...<strong> However, the psychologist who came up with an IQ of 228 committed an extrapolation of a misconception, thereby violating almost every rule imaginable concerning the meaning of IQs."[6]

Vos Savant was listed in each edition of the Guinness Book of World Records from 1986to 1989 as having the "Highest IQ."[citation needed] Because subsequent editions have omitted the category, her column now reports her listing in "Guinness Hall of Fame." Guinness cites vos Savant's performance on two intelligence tests: the Stanford-Binet and the Mega Test. She was administered the 1937 Stanford-Binet, Second Revision test at age ten,[2] which obtained ratio IQ scores by dividing the subject's mental age as assessed by the test by chronological age, then multiplying the quotient by 100. Vos Savant says her first test was in September 1956, and measured her ceiling mental age at 22 years and 10 months (22-10+), yielding an IQ of 228[2]. The IQ calculation of 228 was listed in Guinness Book of World Records, listed in the short biographies in her books, and is the one she gives in interviews. Sometimes, a rounded value of 230 appears.

Ronald K. Hoeflin calculated her IQ at 218 by using 10-6+ for chronological age and 22-11+ for mental age.[2] The Second Edition Stanford-Binet ceiling was 22 years and 10 months, not 11 months; and a 10 years and 6 months chronological age corresponds to neither the age in accounts by vos Savant nor the school records cited by Baumgold.[7] She has commented on reports mentioning varying IQ scores she was said to have obtained.[8].

The second test reported by Guinness is the Mega Test, designed by Ronald K. Hoeflin, administered to vos Savant in the mid-1980s as an adult. The Mega Test yields deviation IQ values obtained by multiplying the subjects normalized z-score, or the rarity of the raw test score, by a constant standard deviation, and adding the product to 100. vos Savant's raw score was 46 out of a possible 48, with 5.4 z-score, and standard deviation of 16, arriving at a 186 IQ in the 99.999997 percentile, with a rarity of 1 in 30 million.[9]

Although vos Savant's IQ scores are among the highest recorded, the more extravagant sources, stating that she is the smartest person in the world and was a child prodigy, have been received with skepticism.[10][neutrality is disputed] Vos Savant herself says she values IQ tests as measurements of a variety of mental abilities and believes intelligence itself involves so many factors that "attempts to measure it are useless."[11]

Controversy regarding Fermat's last theorem
A few months after the announcement by Andrew Wiles that he had proved Fermat's Last Theorem, vos Savant published her book The World's Most Famous Math Problem in October 1993.[12] The book surveys the history of Fermat's last theorem as well as other mathematical mysteries. Controversy came from the book's criticism of Wiles' proof; vos Savant was accused of misunderstanding mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, and imaginary numbers.[13]

Her assertion that Wiles' proof should be rejected for its use of non-Euclidean geometry was especially contested. Specifically, she argued that because "the chain of proof is based in hyperbolic (Lobachevskian) geometry," and because squaring the circle is considered a "famous impossibility" despite being possible in hyperbolic geometry, then "if we reject a hyperbolic method of squaring the circle, we should also reject a hyperbolic proof of Fermat's last theorem."

Mathematicians pointed to differences between the two cases, distinguishing the use of hyperbolic geometry as a tool for proving Fermat's last theorem and from its use as a setting for squaring the circle: squaring the circle in hyperbolic geometry is a different problem from that of squaring it in Euclidean geometry. She was criticized for rejecting hyperbolic geometry as a satisfactory basis for Wiles' proof, with critics pointing out that axiomatic set theory (rather than Euclidean geometry) is now the accepted foundation of mathematical proofs and that set theory is sufficiently robust to encompass both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry as well as geometry and adding numbers.

In a July 1995 addendum to the book, vos Savant retracts the argument, writing that she had viewed the theorem as "an intellectual challenge—'to find a proof with Fermat's tools.'" Fermat claimed to have a proof he couldn't fit in the margins where he wrote his theorem. If he really had a proof, it would presumably be Euclidean. Therefore, Wiles may have proven the theorem but Fermat's proof remains undiscovered, if it ever really existed. She is now willing to agree that there are no restrictions on what tools may be used.

Famous columns
The Monty Hall problem
Main article: Monty Hall problem

Perhaps the best-known event involving vos Savant began with a question in her 9 September 1990 column:

"Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car, the others, goats. You pick a door, say #1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say #3, which has a goat. He says to you: 'Do you want to pick door #2?' Is it to your advantage to switch your choice of doors?" —Craig F. Whitaker, Columbia, Maryland

This question, named "the Monty Hall problem" because of its similarity to scenarios on the game show Let's Make a Deal, existed long before being posed to vos Savant, but was brought to nationwide attention by her column.

Vos Savant answered arguing that the selection should be switched to door #2 because it has a 2/3 chance of success, while door #1 has just 1/3. Or to summarise, 2/3's of the time the opened door #3 will indicate the location of door with the car (the door you hadn't picked and the one not opened by the host). Only 1/3 of the time will the opened door #3 mislead you into changing from the winning door to a losing door. These probabilities assume you change your choice each time door #3 is opened, and that the host always opens a door with a goat. This response provoked letters of thousands of readers, nearly all arguing doors #1 and #2 each have an equal chance of success. A follow-up column reaffirming her position served only to intensify the debate and soon became a feature article on the front page of The New York Times. Among the ranks of dissenting arguments were hundreds of academics and mathematicians.[14]

Under the most common interpretation of the problem where the host opens a losing door and offers a switch, vos Savant's answer is correct because her interpretation assumes the host will always avoid the door with the prize. However, having the host opening a door at random, or offering a switch only if the initial choice is correct, is a completely different problem, and is not the question for which she provided a solution. Vos Savant addressed these issues by writing the following in Parade Magazine, "...the original answer defines certain conditions, the most significant of which is that the host always opens a losing door on purpose. Anything else is a different question." [15] In vos Savant's second followup, she went further into an explanation of her assumptions and reasoning, and called on school teachers to present the problem to each of their classrooms. In her final column on the problem, she announced the results of the more than a thousand school experiments. Nearly 100% of the results concluded that it pays to switch. Of the readers who wrote computer simulations of the problem, 97% reached the same conclusion. A majority of respondents now agree with her original solution, with half of the published letters declaring the letter writers had changed their minds.[16]

This problem has been used in many different books, movies, etc. including the movie 21 and the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

[edit] "Two boys" problem
Main article: Boy or Girl paradox
Like the Monty Hall problem, the "two boys" or "second-sibling" problem predates Ask Marilyn, but generated controversy in the column,[17] first appearing there in 1991-92 in the context of baby beagles:

A shopkeeper says she has two new baby beagles to show you, but she doesn't know whether they're male, female, or a pair. You tell her that you want only a male, and she telephones the fellow who's giving them a bath. "Is at least one a male?" she asks him. "Yes!" she informs you with a smile. What is the probability that the other one is a male?
—Stephen I. Geller, Pasadena, California

When vos Savant replied "One out of three", readers[citation needed] wrote to argue that the odds were fifty-fifty. In a follow-up, she defended her answer, observing that "If we could shake a pair of puppies out of a cup the way we do dice, there are four ways they could land", in three of which at least one is male, but in only one of which both are male. See Boy or Girl paradox for solution details.

The problem re-emerged in 1996-97 with two cases juxtaposed:

Say that a woman and a man (who are unrelated) each has two children. We know that at least one of the woman's children is a boy and that the man's oldest child is a boy. Can you explain why the chances that the woman has two boys do not equal the chances that the man has two boys? My algebra teacher insists that the probability is greater that the man has two boys, but I think the chances may be the same. What do you think?

Vos Savant agreed with the algebra teacher, writing that the chances are only 1 out of 3 that the woman has two boys, but 1 out of 2 that the man has two boys. Readers argued for 1 out of 2 in both cases, prompting multiple follow-ups. Finally, vos Savant started a survey, calling on women readers (with exactly two children and at least one boy) and male readers (with exactly two children - the elder a boy) to tell her the sex of both children. With almost eighteen thousand responses, the results showed 35.9% of them having two boys. [citation needed]

Woman has
young boy, older girl young girl, older boy 2 boys 2 girls
Probability: 1/3 1/3 1/3 0

Man has
young boy, older girl young girl, older boy 2 boys 2 girls
Probability: 0 1/2 1/2 0

[edit] Publications
1985 – Omni I.Q. Quiz Contest
1990 – Brain Building: Exercising Yourself Smarter (co-written with Leonore Fleischer)
1992 – Ask Marilyn: Answers to America's Most Frequently Asked Questions
1993 – The World's Most Famous Math Problem: The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries
1994 – More Marilyn: Some Like It Bright!
1994 – "I've Forgotten Everything I Learned in School!": A Refresher Course to Help You Reclaim Your Education
1996 – Of Course I'm for Monogamy: I'm Also for Everlasting Peace and an End to Taxes
1996 – The Power of Logical Thinking: Easy Lessons in the Art of Reasoning…and Hard Facts about Its Absence in Our Lives
2000 – The Art of Spelling: The Madness and the Method
2002 – Growing Up: A Classic American Childhood
In addition to her published works, vos Savant has written a collection of humorous short stories called Short Shorts, a stage play called It Was Poppa's Will, and two novels: a satire of a dozen classical civilizations in history called The Re-Creation, and a futuristic political fantasy, as yet untitled.

[edit] References
^ Marilyn vos Savant (25 November 2007). "Ask Marilyn". Parade. http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2007/edition_11-25-2007/Ask_Marilyn.
^ a b c d Baumgold, Julie (6 February 1986). "In the Kingdom of the Brain". New York Magazine (New York Media, LLC). http://books.google.com/?id=qugCAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA36#v=onepage&q=
^ Michael Vitez (12 October 1988). "Two of a Kind". The Chicago Tribune.
^ National Women's History Museum (28 September 1998). "First Annual "Women Making History" Awards". Press release. http://www.nwhm.org/news/press6.htm. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
^ Thompson, D. (5 July 1986). "Marilyn's Most Vital Statistic". The Courier-Mail.
^ Kaufman, Alan S. (2009). IQ Testing 101. New York: Springer Publishing. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-8261-0629-2.
^ Terman, Lewis M.; Merrill, Maud A. (1937). Measuring Intelligence. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. OCLC 964301.
^ Marilyn vos Savant (12 June 2001). "Ask Marilyn: Are adult IQ tests more accurate than child IQ tests?". Parade. http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2005/edition_07-17-2005/featured_0. Retrieved 2008-11-15.
^ Hoeflin, Ronald K. (1989). "The Sixth Norming of the Mega Test". Darryl Miyaguchi. http://www.eskimo.com/~miyaguch/meganorm.html. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
^ Schmich, Mary T (29 September 1985). "Meet the World's Smartest Person". Chicago Tribune.
^ Marilyn vos Savant (17 July 2005). "Ask Marilyn: Are Men Smarter Than Women?". Parade. http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2005/edition_07-17-2005/featured_0. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
^ Fermat's Last Theorem and Wiles's proof were discussed in vos Savant's Parade column of November 21, 1993, which introduced the book.
^ Boston, Nigel; Granville, Andrew (May 1995). "Review of The World's Most Famous Math Problem" (.PDF). American Mathematical Monthly (The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 5) 102 (5): 470–473. doi:10.2307/2975048. http://www.dms.umontreal.ca/~andrew/PDF/VS.pdf. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
^ Tierney, John (21 July 1991). "Behind Monty Hall's Doors: Puzzle, Debate and Answer?". The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD1E3FF932A15754C0A967958260. Retrieved 2008-08-07.
^ "Game Show Problem". marilynvossavant.com. http://www.marilynvossavant.com/articles/gameshow.html. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
^ Marilyn vos Savant (1992). "Ask Marilyn". Parade.
^ The problem appeared in Ask Marilyn on October 13, 1991 with a follow-up on January 5, 1992 (initially involving two baby beagles instead of two children), and then on May 26, 1996 with follow-ups on December 1, 1996, March 30, 1997, July 27, 1997, and October 19, 1997.
[edit] External links
Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Marilyn vos Savant
Marilyn vos Savant official website
Parade official website
Parade Archive back issues of Parade, including Ask Marilyn
Marilyn is Wrong! criticism of Marilyn's answers
Marilyn Is Right! praise of Marilyn's answers

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


The mysteries of the location of the Universal Mind (Collective Intelligence).

This information originates from, and was experienced at, very deep levels of our common self. - To our knowledge, no such material has ever appeared anywhere before. - Make good use of it.

This material is to be read slowly. - In order to become a consistently effective Remote Viewer, one needs to understand, integrate, and (hopefully) experience the following body of knowledge. Otherwise, one is only dabbling in these matters.

Mr. O'Donnell is the founder of the Academy of Remote Viewing. He was a remote viewing instructor for the remote viewing (mental espionage) branch of a Western intelligence organization. Mr. O'Donnell would like to make the following information available:

In order to successfully remote view, an individual must operate at a level of mind where he/she will show electrical brain wave traces where Theta waves oscillating between 4 to 5 cycles per second will predominate. Psychophysiologists call this the deep Theta level of the mind.

The deep Theta zone is precisely at the interface with the Delta level of mind (deep sleep), where the human brain waves oscillate between 1 to 4 cycles per second.

The Delta level of mind (deep sleep: no dreaming present), has remained up to now one of the most mysterious and unsolved puzzles of modern science. Man has, and is exploring further and further frontiers of the natural world and of space, but has yet to gain any understanding of a state in which he spends close to a third of his lifetime. There is a good reason for this: Since consciousness is lost at the Delta level, the scientific mainstream has concluded that most thought processes disappear when sleeping (except for the relatively short dream periods, which have drawn the biggest research efforts). Since no one has ever recalled any experiences while in the Delta state, it was inferred that there was really nothing to be recalled. Remote viewing operations in Europe have shown otherwise.

When someone is awake and totally active, his/her brain waves operate at a level called Beta where they mainly oscillate between 14 to 30 cycles per second. As one's mind relaxes and disconnects somehow from the external material world - as when daydreaming, for instance, or when meditating, or watching a movie - one enters a more focused, expanded state of awareness where brain wave patterns are mainly composed of Alpha waves oscillating at between 8 and 13 cycles per second. When relaxing even further, the mind enters a region that correlates with a large relative quantity of brain wave patterns of 4 to 7 cycles per second. This is the Theta zone of the mind.

The Beta level corresponds to a focus of concentration by the mind upon the outside or perceptually separated world, and the Alpha and Theta levels correspond to a more internally focused, self-reflective state.

Each human being experiences the Theta level for a fleeting moment every night before the mind dips down from the Beta level of awareness (awake state), to the Delta state (brain waves of less than 4 cycles per second: deep sleep), and passes rapidly through the Alpha and Theta states to enter the profound sleep level, where consciousness of self is totally lost, and where even dreams do not occur. (When dreaming, a sense of self is necessary and the mind has to go back up to the Theta or Alpha state.) Delta is the level of the mysterious universal mind. It is the level at which the differentiated self (ego) expands to become undifferentiated and operates outside of the confines of linear time/space. This is the level of One.

Time and space exist only within the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind is not separated from us, and we are not separated from It. Since everything interconnects through thought, thought is the only reality that can bridge space and time.

The universal mind creates us constantly. We are but epiphenomenona of It.

The ego (sense of separated self) opposes such notions and fears the notion of the "One." It reveres and finds security in the notion of the "many." That is why it fears death and wants to prolong life as a perception of individual separateness for as long as possible, and even projects this fear into its understanding of the so-called afterlife. The stronger the ego, the bigger the need to differentiate from one another, and remain differentiated.

Everybody wants to remember having been somebody, nobody seems to want to remember having been Everybody.

When operating at the level of Delta (sleep, surgical unconsciousness, and certain pathological conditions such as epileptic petit mal), the mind changes awareness and from being perceptually differentiated and having a sense of self, of I (ego), which it then forgets, and expands to become interconnected to everywhen and everything. At that point the prior conscious awareness is lost (unconsciousness), and is only regained when the mind once again experiences the previous levels at which separateness is possible: Theta, Alpha and Beta.

When recorded on an electrocardiogram, the human heart shows electrical vibration patterns that, like the brain's Delta waves, range between 1 and 4 cycles per second. When either the brain or the heart stop vibrating electrically, death ensues.

Dreaming while asleep is associated with rapid eye movement (REM). Dreaming usually occurs at the Alpha and Theta levels, when the mind of a sleeping person regains a sense of self and being, influenced both by the information coming from the level outside the realm of linear time/space (Delta: universal mind), and the memories attached to the adjacent Beta level of awareness (level of being awake: conscious), which create associational imagery.

In reality, the Alpha È levels of sleep is but a mirror image of the Alpha È levels of wakefulness. Both are interconnected and express themselves through similar brain waves. Deep Theta is the only level that interacts with the level of Delta. It is the interface point.

Alpha, Theta and Delta (sleep) are defined as "altered states of consciousness," as opposed to Beta, which is considered to be a fully conscious state. They are so called because it is necessary to alter one's state of consciousness from the fully awake state (Beta), to either Alpha, Theta or Delta (sleep), which are all progressive states of expanded awareness and thus are subject to less vibratory interference from the biological brain. Beta is the so-called conscious level of mind. Alpha and Theta form the subconscious regions of the mind's operation, and Delta is the unconscious region of thought activity. These states form the spectrum of mind operation.

Small children function mainly at the Theta, Alpha and Delta states of mind, as do animals. Human adults operate mostly at Beta.

While the ego (awareness of self) is present and one is in the Beta, Alpha, or Theta state, all levels of the mind operate at once
. One only concentrates more on one level than on another, showing therefore more brain wave patterns pertaining to the one band of operation the mind concentrates upon. Nevertheless all patterns are always present, defining life. It is only at death that this spectrum disappears.

In a nutshell: As the mind focuses upon the external (perceptually separated and material) world, it is at the Beta level. When the mind focuses and increasingly concentrates self-reflectively upon itself and its inner processes, it climbs in awareness from Alpha to Theta, and finally to Delta.

One cannot make a cognitive bypass from the Beta level of mind to the Delta level (universal mind) without first receiving the sensory thought-data through the interface of the Alpha and Theta levels. Even though one might not be aware of it because of his/her increased concentrated awareness at the level of Beta (full awareness), thought flows as it expands down or restricts itself up and correlates in opposite directions with the brain waves' rhythms.

The frequency of the real vibratory levels of the mind are inversely correlated with the electrical vibrations at the level of the biological brain. The higher vibration levels of the mind are synonymous with higher levels of awareness, i.e. interconnectedness. These vibrations can only be perceived at the exact interface with the Delta level. Nevertheless, they are always extant.

The recorded electrical activity of human brain waves of the highest voltage and lowest frequency appear in the Delta rhythm (50 to 350 microvolts, 1 to 4 Hz), which occurs mainly during sleep and unconscious states. Delta waves only pierce the outer layer of the brain in great quantity and frequency during periods of cortical rest such as deep sleep. Their focal and very frequent presence at any other moment indicate a pathological process due mainly to brain injury (lack of filtering). The biological origin of Delta waves is totally unknown, short of the fact that they seem to emanate from the deepest layers of the brain.

Theta waves are of a lower voltage and higher frequency (4 to 8 Hz) and show up throughout all the regions of the outer shell of the human brain called the cerebral cortex in an disorganized and spurtive manner. Theta waves originate probably in a very deep inner seated area of he brain called the hippocampus. Animals excluding primates show very large and constantly organized production of Theta waves that are easily recorded at the level of their cerebral outer cortex. Beta waves are of an even lower voltage and faster vibratory rate (10 to 20 microvolts and 14 to 30 Hz).

The vibratory scheme of the brain seems to imply, therefore, by virtue of the mathematical construct of periodic waves (Fourier transform), that the higher amperage and slower waves of Theta are a prelude to the production of smaller and faster vibrations. Or, in layman terms: Delta probably originates Theta that originates Alpha that originates Beta

Electric encephalographic tracing of the brain, or any other recording of its biological activity (neurotransmitters, PET scanning), are correlated with expressions of thought processes or levels of the mind. These electrical phenomena are neither the source of mind, nor even part of its real mechanisms. Other, up-to-now unrecognized, fields of light/thought fiber/optic-like strands operating within the bio-computer of the brain are involved in encoding and processing information. These fields are totally unknown to and undetected by modern science, and are paramount in the data processing of thoughts received from Source Itself.

In mammals and many other species, the brain is the major processing interface between the reality of thought and the sensory perception of matter.

The brain is the seat of sensory input/output defining and framing our perception of space/time reality. Visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile etc. sensory perceptions originate from it.

Sensory experiences are coherent and subjective. Life, as a perception of linear space/time causal realities, is but a grand illusion created by our senses.

Reality, which is our perception of space/time, is perceived through our senses, and each individual's sensory perception is unique. Our senses condition us and define our needs. Thus, we cannot avoid catering to them.
When all senses are gone, life ends. The space/time dimension of reality is then over, because it can no longer be perceived.

All individuations of thought operating within the space/time continuum are different in order to keep the challenge great and life interesting.

The challenge is in these realizations and in the ensuing behavior modifications they will hopefully bring about.

It is only the sensory (material phenomenal) world that binds thought to the external realities of space/time. Thought, in itself, is not bound by either.

It has been recently estimated by neurophysiologists that if mankind were to use all of its recent knowledge and resources to build a utopian computer that would try to somehow replicate the feats of the human mind, that computer would need to be at the very least the size of our planet, and - even then - nobody would know how to program it.

Mankind seems to have taken to the misconceived but currently accepted scientific notion that thought is present only as an epiphenomenon of the computer-like biochemical brain, with an almost unquestioned pseudo-religious fervor. At the same time, mankind does not find incongruous the almost instinctive belief that each human entity will survive the threshold of "death" - defined as the moment when the brain dies - as a miraculously converted intelligent "spiritual entity" bestowed with thought processed, or that a general intelligence or "Creator" exists - one who is also "permitted to think" - without benefit of a biologically material "brain."

This paradox does even seem to invite any questioning, or provoke pondering!

In a now classical study, British Neurologist John Lorber found that many individuals who had suffered of a condition called hydrocephalus during childhood, where the brain becomes filled with cerebrospinal fluid that destroy many if not most of their brain structures, operated with totally normal cognitive and intellectual capacities. In one celebrated case, Lorber found at Sheffield University, UK, an young student who exhibited larger than normal cranial size. Upon subjecting the student to C.A.T. (Computerized Axial Tomography) study, it was found that this individual (without that man's prior knowledge of his condition) had virtually no brain: that his cranial spaces were filled with cerebrospinal fluid and that only a very thin membrane of neurons, approximately 1 mm thick was lining the surface of his cranium, and nothing else! Nevertheless, this student exhibited an IQ of 126 and had graduated with a honor degree in Mathematics! He also exhibited totally normal cognitive, functional and sensory behavior! Why the Brain/Mind association myth is so ingrained in scientific circles, in spite of many proofs to the contrary, is akin to the myth of an electron being a material body, even though no one had really ever directly seen one!

In the classical "rational" scientific view, the "brilliant" assumption is that the entire universe suddenly spewed out of absolute nothingness, and that many billions of years later, intelligence oddly appeared, as rocks turned into meat and started "thinking." The wonders of RNA/DNA encoding and replication do not even invite the notion of Creational intent! It implies that the Universe only awaits the wonders of our insatiable curious inquiry, as we play clumsily in the playpen of an "unaware" natural world.

On the other hand, the old " irrational " spirito-metaphysical view holds that the Universe was intentionally Created by a Thinking Being of Infinite Intelligence, and Tremendous Wisdom, that we do not quite fathom yet, nor really understand, who IS connected to all of us. This view is encountering problems in becoming "progressive" to most, seemingly "old-fashioned", and often manipulated by many.

Mind does not need the brain at all in order to operate. The Brain is only a restricting data processing mechanism framing and filtering ,alike a colander, thoughts originating from the Quantum source of ALL THOUGHT POSSIBILITIES.

The main reason human beings perceive thoughts to originate from and be located in the head area is because all sensory apparatus (visual, olfactory, auditory, etc.), is located there. It is only when all biological sensory data is totally gone that the mind expands automatically everywhere, i.e. "death."

The fact that the brain shows signs of activity when one is engaged in the process of thinking does not mean that thought originates in this physical organ. Nevertheless, it processes it. In the same way as laughter and smiling are but the outer expression of an inner emotion, they are not the cause of it. To solely concentrate on the smile and methodically try to understand it would make no sense. And the fact that forcing a smile sometimes evokes a slight emotion of happiness does not prove that smiling is the origin of happiness.

In the ever-evolving fields of psychophysiology and neurobiology, the concept of the brain as the seat of thought may eventually be recognized as one of the major scientific blunders of the twentieth century, if not of all times, and the scientific and cultural snapshot of this century will portray a misuse of human energy of staggering proportions.

In a modern digital computer, the linear multimedia output of information is performed by the input/output cards (digital/analog conversion) attached to it (graphics, audio etc..). We can connect to them through video screens and speakers. We can then see and hear information presented in a linear palatable fashion to our linear physical senses processed in our brain. Nevertheless, the digital computer uses nonlinear processing methods and stores memory within its memory cells in a random (nonlinear) accessible fashion. One can see electrical activity within these input/output cards when information transits through them, and they also cease to work properly if they are damaged.

This is exactly what the brain does: it is a transducer and decoder of nonlinear information (digital-like) into linear (analog-like) sensory data. That information is then processed by the individual's restricted mind. Information only passes through it. As a feedback mechanism, thought (MIND) makes decisions based upon the linear 3D sensory data experienced. And based on these decisions, more sensory information is then projected to each and every thinking individual.

Even matter - as modern quantum mechanics has experimentally proven - might not be as solid as one perceives it to be. In fact, it is but a vibratory byproduct of mind.

As a matter of fact, NOTHING exists outside of oneself. Neither Space nor Time. It is all a grand illusion called life, activated in order to express thought and emotions from which the Universal Mind learns.

The Ego, or the "I", is an imaginary being. It has no real existence. It is only given the illusion of being a real entity. For experimental purposes (Creation). Only the sum of ALL as the Universal Mind has a real and eternal existence.

The All-That -Is might decide, for experimental reasons, to experience an entity (memory bank) into another life-time (situation) to get more learning from it. It may also blend different memory banks into a branch of thought connected to parallel experiments in the Tree of Creation. It is ITS choice to make.

Thoughtless-ness cannot exist. Consciousness as thought exists only through its active expressions and manifestations as parts of its Creation.

The All-that-IS is not static but forever evolving. It is Awareness Itself modulated by creative thought. It flows in everything and each one of us, and gives life and reality to all. Therefore there is no consciousness as thought that just IS. Thoughtless Beingness is an oxymoron.

If an expression of thought does not learn or evolve, it is discarded and stops being thought about by the Collective Mind. And in the blink of a thought, it therefore ceases to exist.

This applies to individual expressions of Thought, whole Creations of Thought, and even groupings of parallel Creations. The only goal of the Ultimate Mind is to learn and evolve.

There is no such thing as an "ordinary state of consciousness;" neither are there "altered states of consciousness." There only are different focuses of concentration.

"Man is asleep," said Ouspensky. However, man is not dreaming, since man is the object of the Dream; A facet/character relationship. This Subject/Dreamer is the Eternal Higher Self, and the object of the Dream is the illusory man/woman entity operating within a spatial/temporal illusion for a fleeting moment.

Often, when the sensory world produces undue stress, fear, grief, and anxiety, human beings try to alter their sensory experience by taking drugs that alter and distort those experiences by poisoning the brain, whose role is to produce the linear sensory temporal/spatial reality.

The brain is really a colander of thought that only restricts the experience of thoughts within slow, linear sensory processes. If the brain is damaged or impaired in any way, the filtering processes increase even more, and the individuation of Thought receives a distorted notion of sensory reality.

Sadly, it has become an accepted state of affairs in Western societies to "medicate" states of unhappiness and/or fear by ingesting brain altering chemicals. An this occurs to a ridiculous degree.

Many "learned" behavioral "scientists," particularly in the United States of America, have even come to the irresponsible conclusion that naturally inward-focusing (day-dreaming) children that easily get bored with the external reality are at risk of becoming potentially non-productive members of society, and have therefore recently invented a new psychological syndrome which they coined "Attention-Deficit-Disorder (ADD /ADHD)," that they peddle very efficiently to an unaware public. This newly discovered "disease" has recently been extended by many medical and psychological mental health "experts" to even apply to some of the U.S. adult population. European medical mental health authorities, for the most part, deride this approach, and refuse to recognize ADD as a real mental disorder.

The accepted treatment in the US is to medicate these children, often from an early age, with a powerful stimulant that alters and shifts the brainwave patterns into an accelerated beta-mode. By disturbing neurotransmitter functions, especially the dopamine release cycle, the developing child is forced to focus solely on the external material reality. In the 60's, this powerful class of stimulant was used for recreational purposes, and coined "speed" within the underground drug culture. Often serious depressive rebound effects were experienced when the drug was interrupted.

This class of mind-altering drugs distort the proper natural functioning of the sensory perception of reality.

This relatively recent chemical behavior modification field and the ADD "scare" has given birth to a gigantic profit-oriented industry of so-called experts and drug producing companies that often "push" such misconceptions with great fervor for their own self-interests and hidden agendas.

The irony and great tragedy of the ADD situation is that Western societies which embrace such ridiculous notions might, by sheer ignorance of the real mechanisms of the Mind, be disturbing or even permanently harming the most potentially creative individuals that they harbor. The ones that can think in a nonlinear fashion. The ones that have a natural tendency to focus within themselves in order to find creative inspiration, and intuition. These future visionaries that were meant to be operative in the next century in order to steer us into more evolved behaviors and creative endeavors, in the arts, fundamental sciences; health, geopolitical, financial, spiritual, and ecological crisis management, may very well have been chemically poisoned and maybe permanently impaired by mankind's inflated ego, ignorance, and the orgy of greed and egoistic tendencies that we are experiencing. This might very well cause the permanent decline of these forms of human societies.

This is and will continue to impact negatively the evolution of those Western societies that seem to try recently to mentally enslave, uniform and robotize masses for the perceived "greater good" of a mechanized industrialized materialistically obsessed "brave new world." With unknown and dangerous consequences that are beginning to profile themselves on the horizon timeline.

And nothing, neither almost anyone, is even questioning the legitimacy of such a profound intrusion upon the individual mind and freedom of thought.

Most paradigm-shifting creative geniuses (great scientists, spiritual giants, social and political visionaries, healers, artists, composers, writers, etc . . .) always projected this type of lonely and unruly inward-focused behavior in their childhood years, and were often bothered and easily distracted by the rigid indoctrinations and environments of most Western and Eastern dogmatic educational systems that, for the most, have shunned and stifled questioning minds.

In the seventies and eighties, millions of people worldwide took mind control classes such as the Silva mind control course where the trainee is taught to operate at Alpha levels of the mind. As anyone having taken the courses can testify, rudimentary remote viewing becomes easily achieved even at the Alpha level as one gets closer to the Delta level of mind (universal mind) and away from the Beta level of consciousness. At the Alpha level of mind concentration, millions of people experienced remote sensing (viewing) as they drew information from the Theta level of mind who in turn collected it from the Delta level operating outside of the realm of time/space.

The problem with remote viewing while being in an Alpha state of mind ( as measured by an electroencephalographic apparatus) is that there is still a lot of information that originates from the proximate level of Beta (full conscious awareness) as is the case when one dreams and draws data from the Beta level. This can cause quite a lot of undue parasitic signals (mind noise) coming from the Beta level. The real catalysts to the original research on remote viewing came as a result of experimental data showing the very basic remote viewing efficacy of these courses. The methodology employed in the US and most especially in European countries shows a definite operational bias dictated by these early mind control protocols, even though few would admit it.

The deep Theta level of mind is the closest level to the Delta level of universal consciousness. It is only while operating at this level of mind that one can truly remote view and draw information from the Delta level of the universal mind operating outside of time and space. No matter what some self-proclaimed "RV experts" might assert, the reality is that if one's mind is not located at the interface with the life matrix originating from the universal consciousness and is not passively focusing on that delta level, the type of information received becomes subject to mental noise from the Beta level (full conscious awareness) and unreliable.

The Theta level is called by behavioral scientists the hypnagogic level because it corresponds to the experience, usually immediately before falling asleep, of a stream of nonlinear highly vivid visual imagery projected to one's self.

Highly ego-centered individuals often fear operating at deep levels of Theta because the ego (sense of self) is on the frontier of dissolving itself at a slightly deeper level of mind (Delta). They tend to prefer the perceptually most separated level of all: The Beta level of awareness. This eventually became a problem within certain military-type of remote viewing organizations because of the highly self-centered type of mind structures it often appeals to that often border on the desire for maximum separateness i.e. paranoia. The mind always influences mind orientations and will ultimately decide at which level it wants to operate from.

The remote viewing protocols taught by the Academy of Remote Viewing are based on mind sensing training developed by some government agencies.

Mr. O'Donnell became part of a Western European nation remote viewing program where the emphasis was from the start on trying to research extensively the area of mind situated right at the interface with Delta (deep sleep). It had been experimentally proven that this was the best band of mind operations in order to be able to effectively remote view.

The initial remote sensing protocols tried to achieve the attainment of such deep levels of mental functioning, and most importantly to sustain it for as long as possible without plunging onto Delta (unconsciousness: deep sleep) or going back onto Alpha or Beta states.

It was apparent that very specialized protocols would need to be established in order to stabilize the mind at such depths before it gets sucked in into Delta. The mind tends also to operate in a wavelike form going from Alpha to Theta to Delta, back and forth. The goal became to lower the amplitude of such swings in order to remain at will within the deep Theta band (4 to 5 Hz).

Sophisticated biofeedback testing equipment was used. It consisted mainly of an electroencephalographic apparatus recording brain waves, processing them automatically, and sending an auditory signal when the targeted desirable train of brain waves were elicited within a subject's brain.

Many advanced meditators (yogis, shamans, mystics etc.) who had learned to operate from such deep levels of mind were extensively studied.

Experiments on animals were also conducted in order to try to understand why they operated naturally at the Theta level with full activity retained and their eyes opened. It was perceived that this might shed light as to their naturally occurring remote viewing abilities especially among the predator-prey animal complex and the domestic pet variety. The unexplained migrations and homing behavior of certain species might also be related to such a state of mind. The ability of animal to remote view was tested. Domestic animals (especially dogs and cats) were studied under laboratory conditions as to their precognitive and spatially remote sensing mind abilities when they concentrated upon their owners' location and/or intent. Natural predators were wired up and studied when their favorite prey was either about to be introduced or taken in a sensory-wise isolated chamber to a proximate location. Impressive experimental data was collected that showed that the animal kingdom definitely exhibits a pattern of behavior that seems to strongly suggest very developed natural remote viewing (mental sensing) abilities - when needed - for feeding, survival or protective behavior. Remote viewing activity amongst mammals seemed to strongly correlate with the appearance of very definite brain wave Theta tracing especially in the predator-prey grouping.

Finally, and most importantly, many protocols were experimentally tried and compared as to their effectiveness at allowing a human subject to rapidly reach levels of deep Theta operations within a narrow band of EEG tracing (4 to 5 cycles per second) for sustained periods of time. Mental sensing (remote viewing) training methods were painstakingly devised and tried out. This culminated in the establishment of an effective methodology designed to rapidly shift one's concentration upon the deepest layers of his/her self-awareness (deep Theta). The goal being thenceforth to operate from that mental level in a passive/active manner by first sending actively out an information request and in turn taking on a passive role when one receives from the Delta level (universal mind), as an answer, a formidable steam of compressed instant (packet) nonlinear sensory and informational data (delta to theta). This information needs to be reconstructed automatically by the Alpha and Beta level of mind when an individual emerges out of deep Theta. This is very much alike what occurs within the worldwide web of communications when information sent out by a central server in a compressed packet-like manner is received in a nonlinear broken down format and is then decoded and reconstructed in order to form a linear time/space coherent whole at the level of each personal computer.

Research projects were undertaken in order to see whether one could remote view from the Beta state (eyes opened and mind focused on external stimuli as opposed to internal one) or the Alpha state (eyes closed, or eyes opened with mind relaxed and/or daydreaming).

It was found that the Beta state does not allow for any remote viewing. If an individual perceived that he/she was receiving remote viewing data whilst being fully awake, he had to be at that moment focusing on his thought processes in order to be aware of it and a cursory examination of his/her brain encephalographic tracing would always reveal that the subject had slipped into the Alpha state or very rarely even into Theta. The moment an individual focuses on internal self-reflective thought processes, he/she enters the subconscious (alpha or Theta ) levels of mind operation.

The other conclusion was that even though one could remote sense (view) from the Alpha state, too much mental noise in the form of preconceived notions (mind-sets) or external interference from the Beta level (outside sensory world) were introduced and made for often inconsistent results.

It soon became apparent that the only statistically determining factor to remote viewing abilities was not the methodology used but the level of mind achieved through the use of a particular methodology. The training protocols became therefore focused on mind techniques allowing one to rapidly and consistently reach the deep Theta state.

Mr. O'Donnell does not claim that the methods that he teaches in order to reach a level of deep Theta operation are the only ones available. Since the point when consciousness - as separated thought - has arisen on earth and for eons of time, man has reached and experienced such deep states. As a matter of fact, there is a strong perception that ancient man, at the dawn and infancy of civilization, easily attained such deep self-reflective mind levels. This is probably because the external phenomenal world had not yet carried with it the overwhelming burden of myriad of often conflicting signals and stimuli that are now so prevalent especially amongst the very externally beta-oriented cultures that seek self-fulfillment by concentrating highly on outside quests within the material world. The time/space restrictions imposed by our "advanced" societies upon the ability to self-reflect is causing all the modern stress that the mind is experiencing.

Within our world, it is particularly so-called modern man that seems to have trouble at reaching such high levels of thought-perceptions. Cultural factors and the tension of modern-living impede such a natural state of mind. There is little incline and time left to self-reflect. Whatever leisure period is available, is usually used for beta-directed type gratification.

Young humans (children of less than 7 years of age and especially those of less than 2 years old) and animals of all ages operate mainly at Alpha, Theta and Delta. For them Beta has not hitherto been imposed and learned. The external phenomenal world has yet to take on such a strong concentrated reality. They are less concerned with external stimuli and self-reflect constantly. They learn and evolve through this mental act. They all remote view naturally. They need to. Otherwise, they could not possibly learn and survive. The humans will forget this, for most, when they proudly enter the highly ego-centered world of Beta operation and embrace adulthood.

Many so-called tribal groups or spiritual orientations have inherited traditions that revere and promote self-reflection, often within a highly symbolized metaphorical background. For them remote viewing is but a natural ability.

True remote viewing tries to make a child again of adult modern rational man, allowing him/her to experience again this natural state of relearning from the universal pool of knowledge outside of the confines of time/space (knowing).

Eventually, with specialized training, when the concentration has remained at deep Theta for long enough, one seems to span all the levels of the mind and integrate them in a single cognitive awareness. The remote viewer can then operate from the Theta level in concentration and even open his/her eyes and be aware of both his/her external and internal realities at once. With practice, he/she might make a last perceptual jump and realized that his/her external and internal realities are but mirror expressions of each other.

Nevertheless, within the mind-matter equation: matter, if concentrated too much upon and given undue importance, tilts the balance and becomes the ultimate trickster.

In the same manner as the Theta waves are the only ones that show up non-specifically and equally throughout the human brain cortex, the deep Theta level is the only state that can unify all perceptual levels of awareness.

Although all serious remote viewing operations, originating from various countries, became aware that they were collecting information from the mysterious "collective unconscious" of the mind, very few, if any, realized that this Universal Mind was within an individual and not outside of him/her. Their focus of attention in the search for an explanation targeted henceforth "external" and often creative exotic realms.

Effective remote viewing techniques should allow one to experience the reality of the Universal Mind, and not only ponder about it. Such an experience might surprise many, and disturb built-in inherited misconceptions. It is only to the daring ones that the world becomes a stepping stone. The others just vegetate.

If certain remote viewing systems do not reach for such an understanding, they are but crutches and fall short of allowing one to cross the stepping stone of ignorance.

The aforementioned statements can only be proven by experiencing. Each human being on his/her own. No written theory nor external mechanical laboratory apparatus can ever bring personal proof of such assertions. Hence the ultimate challenge and paradox...

Within the former U.S.S.R. extensive mind research was carried out since the 1930's and successful remote viewing protocols established. Nevertheless, because of the built-in ideological bias against anything non material (spiritual) existent within the Communist dogma, large-scale Soviet scientific research tried to uncover, under strict laboratory conditions, the "physical energies" (electromagnetic or other) that correlated with such remote sensing states.

Eventually, as some correlations were shown, the physical correlations themselves were seen as the explanation to this phenomenon. And a major impasse was reached that tried to duplicate such mind states by manipulating external physical forces. This resulted in interference wave patterns being applied, using purely physical means, upon the interface mechanisms of the biological brain of many unfortunate human and animal subjects. This greatly affected and distorted their perception of the external world. The prevailing view within the Soviets' industrial-military complex was that these techniques of "mind control" were affecting the mind, when , in reality, they were damaging and interfering with the proper functioning of the interface of the biological brain. This research, unfortunately, ultimately took on a decisively sinister character.

In such a pivotal endeavor as the understanding of the individuations of thought, which means the understanding of life itself, it is ultimately only man that has the capacity to raise himself to lofty heights or to sink to abysmal depths.

Within the US intelligence establishment and because of a cultural bias, similar approaches were undertaken and the same impasse was encountered. Although effective RV protocols were devised, the scientific establishment within this highly Beta-oriented society had perceptual problems with what they considered to be "altered" internally focused states of attention. The Theta region was experimentally known to be a better mind level for remote viewing, but the RV research scientists became quite creative at casting away from their peers any perception of their using a deep state of mind operation.

It is within the realm of possibilities that some US remote viewers were subjected to the external beaming of certain radiations in order to test their effectiveness at improving or not RV and study their general impact.

The Western European remote sensing approach mostly shun away from electronically - induced mind control attempts. It focused essentially on RV operations originating from deep Theta levels of the mind.

The remote viewing techniques taught by the Academy of Remote Viewing are unique in that they concentrate upon the easily attainability by any individual of a state where his/her awareness will be focused upon the level of the Universal Mind (undifferentiated knowing). The trainee is taught to locate his/her awareness at the border of Delta (deep Theta) and operate a sort of "mental dance" where his/her attention concentrates upon the data originating from the Universal Mind on (passive-receiving state) and off (active-questioning state), while avoiding to be sucked in by the powerful pole of attraction of the Higher Delta level (sleep and/or somnambulistic unconsciousness). Many adjunctive safety techniques and general explanations are given in order to understand the functioning of the nonlinear Delta level and be able to decode the information received in a palatable time/space linear sensory format. Many Delta operations are given and hinted at. Structured questions-and-answer patterns (so-called RV protocols), made to best fit the modus operandi of Delta/Theta interfacing, are also taught.

Beta, Alpha, and Theta are but the manifest expressions of the creativity of the Delta level.

Beta, Alpha, and Theta are the levels of the ego. They are the levels of temporality, causality, and physicality. how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded The ego can be defined as the ability a life-form has to be able to differentiate between thoughts that it will perceive as being one's own (self-reflective) and thoughts that seem to originate outside of one's realm.

Delta is the level of non-individualized non-reflective intelligence.

Beta, Alpha, and Theta are but brain-wave epiphenomenona of states of self-reflective awareness by perceptually individualized intelligences (levels of individuated thought-concentrations). One only travels in awareness within these states.

The Delta level of thought is characterized by the fact that it can infinitely separate its thoughts in a nonlinear parallel manner. Within these separations, It may choose to operate, for tasks or reasoning purposes, in a causal linear fashion, most often by connecting thoughts laterally.

An individual travels in awareness from beta towards Delta by focusing his awareness on his self reflective thoughts and deeper subconscious thought processes

The deeper within Delta one finds oneself, the more concomitant parallel thought processes there are. Up to an All-aware potential Infinity. The ancient Greek letter Delta shaped like an upward pointing triangle symbolizes this reality of the Mind. Delta (alike its ancient cousin the Hebrew Deleth) means a door, an entrance to another realm. The realm of El (the Universal) and Data.

All so-called deep subconscious thought processes originate from the Delta level. They operate below the level of conscious awareness. This includes the parallel thought operations that allow for the biological and material realities to operate coherently and efficiently. They maintain and project out onto our framework of operation in order to allow our individual creativity to express itself. They are our creative support.

Delta is therefore the Intelligence that directs the operations of the material and biological phenomenal world.

The ego travels towards dissolution (Delta) when it reflects upon thoughts originating from deep subconscious processes. By corollary, the ego expresses itself more vibrantly and forcefully when it focuses its concentration upon the level of the highly separated manifestations of the sensory external world (Beta).

The battle between thought-separation (ego) and thought-Oneness (Universal) is the only real conflict there really was, is and will ever be. All antagonistic expressions, struggles, and hostilities amongst life-forms are but manifest epiphenomenona of this ever-present penultimate challenge.

The built-in opposition between the only two creative poles of thought: Beta (individualistic plurality), and Delta (sense of Oneness) is as the root of what one will perceive as the expressions of evil or bad (Beta Against Delta).

Delta (the Universal Mind) and Beta (ego) always interact creatively. The ego is bound within frameworks of creative intelligence imposed by the Delta level. Delta, in turn, operates the creative steps within these same frameworks according to the desires of the ego.

The only two creative poles within Creation are the Beta level (conscious thought of man) and the Delta level (Collective Unconscious or Universal Mind).

Although the Beta level (conscious mind) would like to think that it rules over and is more powerful than the Delta level (deep subconscious mind), the reverse is true. And the deep sub-conscious (Delta) rules over and is infinitely more powerful and "intelligent" than the conscious level of thought (Beta).

It is only with the cooperation of the Delta level that the Beta-conscious thought (ego) might perceive that it controls sub-conscious (Delta) thought processes including biological ones.

The cardinal rules that bring about that cooperation from the deep sub-conscious mind (Delta) are not necessarily in concordance with the desires and mental structures of the conscious mind (Beta). If the Delta level disagrees with the desires and/or intentions expressed by the Beta level of Its expressions, that necessary collaboration will not manifest itself.

This applies to all human endeavors implying subconscious processes and input. This was and is especially the case for Remote Viewing that originates information solely from that deep unconscious level. Hence the failures that most military or intelligence-type organizations suddenly developed when they tried to collect Remote Viewing data to be ultimately used for potentially destructive and aggressive purposes, even though they had great success with other innocuous time/space targets.

The ultimate arbitrator and safeguard to processes such as Remote Data Sensing (RV) is the Universal Mind Itself (Delta). No-thing nor any-body will ever supersede It.

The level of deep Delta (Universal) is a level of pure information (no imagery whatsoever). Nothing else. We, as individuated expressions of it, only perceive and interpret this pure information using the realm of sensory reality (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile etc..).

The level of the Universal and its individualizations (mankind and nature) form together the Uni-verse Itself. A vast mosaic of pure information disguised as reality. Either experienced as a pleasant one or an unpleasant one. Depending on our common choices.

There are three levels of operations within the Delta level. However, Mr. O'Donnell will not reveal here their significance. Only rare individuals ever understand them. Remote viewing at a very deep Theta level can be a bridge to such an understanding since one is juxtaposing his/her awareness to the Delta level of mind. It is only within the laboratory of the mind that one can understand the mind. This is the ultimate quest.

The recalled experience of the Delta level is generally a very humbling one.

The middle Delta level operates very much alike a multitasking digital computer. Processing, storing, and doing a quasi-infinite amount of tasks at once. Its role is to create coherency by interconnecting realities out of potential chaos.

The upper Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta levels operate mainly in a linear analog-like fashion where cause-and-effect relationships are paramount and where the perception of space and time exists.

The transducing apparatus (Input/Output interface) decoding and making "sense" out of the encoded non-linear pure information received from the middle Delta level is located at upper Delta and is perceived by us to exist within our brain. This transducing level pertains to the world of our senses that gives reality to our experience and to our perception of a material world "out there."

The level of Beta (mankind) has up-to-now never really understood the way by which middle Delta operates.

Middle Delta does not use any imagery whatsoever. Only vibratory light, swirling within different levels of intensity, remains. The Light contains, stores, and processes information.

Mankind seems always to favor and feels more comfortable using its linear thinking processes and especially perceptual space/time linear senses (images, symbols, myths, and metaphors) in order to try to relate to and remotely grasp its original Everlasting Source. This is because that is the way by which mankind operates. Hence the distortions and their consequences.

In the digital-analog equation of Mind, the analog part (mankind) never comprehended, nor yet comprehends the digital part (its Creator). It could only, up-to-now on very rare occasions, experience it. And the digital part gives life, sustains it, and gets surprises from its very restricted thought processes operating within the perceptual separations of mankind.

This dialog of deaf is, most probably, about to stop. In one way or another.

The level of Delta is a level of knowing. Whilst being at deep Theta, one can draw from the proximate level of Delta.

The level of Beta is a level of knowledge where the focus of attention is upon the external material reality and a slow intellectual type of learning is attempted.

The major evolutionary jumps, inspirational writings, creative endeavors, scientific discoveries and inventions of all times always originate from the level of knowing and not of knowledge.

Human and animal instinctive knowledge, and "sixth sense" emanate from the level of knowing.

The search for an unification factor outside of one's self, within linear space/time, is a perceptual dead-end that, at one point, mankind will need to realize. The unification point is not outside of one's self, within space or out-of-space, masters, gurus, but within oneself.

Real knowledge comes from within. One is only relearning what One already knows.

The ultimate teacher to all the ripples (individuations of Mind: The individuals) of the ocean of thought-energy (Universal Mind) is the ocean Itself, and not the ripples.

Expressing it in a metaphorical way: Alike icebergs afloat on the ocean, life-forms, as separate creative thought processes, are but time/space expressions of the infinite waters of the ocean. Ultimately, they each melt down within the waters and return to the ocean. They are all water anyway, but as ice they do no realize it. They can perceive their individuality expressed as forms through the illusionary media of air. They love to cling solidly to that perception. For the most part, they often refuse to accept that they, as water, are all interconnected. That in reality, no iceberg is really taller or smaller than another, for they all come from the same, and they all go back to the same. That their power, or ego, is all illusory, and temporary.

Ultimately, there is only One Mind. One Intelligence. Expressing and experiencing Itself through here and there. Nothing else. Not two. Nor more. Mind is Mind; whether human, animal, vegetable, material, or unattached.

The "kingdom" is "within" not "without". All that remains, is to tell the king that he is, in his restricted state, as humankind, walking around without any clothes on. Because, he does not seem to realize it yet.

Such an understanding finally explains why the "King" as the Universal Mind is within each one of us, and why we are all, as space/time manifestations of It (the "Kingdom"), within It. One reflects the other.

The direction of thought-concentration has to be reversed from one increasingly targeting external realities and stimuli to one flowing back from Beta to Alpha, to Theta, and back to Delta.

As mankind has thoroughly experienced Beta and adulthood, it is time to experience the inner child again, to reconnect to knowing beyond external time and space. It is basically time for one's self to reconnect to Oneself. It is basically time to stop being a sheep within the "flock" and to start leading one's own destiny and understanding. It is high time to take back control and responsibility. . .

Your mind (Spirit) is nor bound by and into a "material" body. It is only bound by and connected to the physical senses that make you aware of a physical reality.

Let go of these senses, by allowing yourself not to concentrate upon them (i.e. physical reality and biology), and you will then allow yourself to unbound your self and expand Everywhere and Everywhen.

You create everything, including your restrictions. Argue for your limitations, and/or believe someone else's opinion about them, and they surely become yours.

The only real truth is the one that you find within yourself. All others are but misconceptions intentionally placed on your way in order to sharpen the edges of your challenge and quest.

In Richard Bach's international bestseller "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" (1970. Reprint. New York: Avon, 1973) we find the seagull Jonathan who always wants to fly higher and better. The Elder tries to teach him (p. 81) that in order to be everywhere and everywhen at once he first needs to understand the mechanisms of flying. If these mechanisms are not fully understood and integrated, real flying is impossible.

As Chiang (the Elder) gently explains (pp. 79-84):

"You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn't flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn't have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there." "You can go to any place and to any time that you wish to go," the elder said. "I have gone everywhere and everywhen I can think of." He looked across the sea. "It's strange. The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, slowly. Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere, instantly. Remember, Jonathan, heaven isn't a place or a time, because place and time are so meaningless. Heaven is . . . " "To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is," he said, "you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived . . ." The trick, according to Chiang, was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two-inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart. The trick was to know that his true nature lived, as perfect as an unwritten number, everywhere at once across space and time. . . . Then one day Jonathan, standing on the shore, closing his eyes, all in a flash knew what Chiang had been telling him. "Why, that's true, I am a perfect, unlimited gull! . . . Jonathan opened his eyes. He stood alone with the Elder on a totally different seashore-trees down to the water's edge, twin yellow suns turning overhead. . . . "IT WORKS!" "Well of course it works, Jon," said Chiang. "it always works, when you know what you are doing. Now about your control . . ." "We can start working with time if you wish," Chiang said, "till you can fly the past and the future. And then you will be ready to begin the most difficult, the most powerful, the most fun of all. You will be ready to begin to fly up and know the meaning of kindness and of love."

But then the day came that Chiang vanished. He had been talking quietly with them all, exhorting them never to stop their learning and their practicing and their striving to understand more of the perfect invisible principle of all life. Then, as he spoke, his feathers went brighter and brighter and at last turned so brilliant that no gull could look upon him. "Jonathan," he said, and these were the last words that he spoke, "keep working on love." When they could see again, Chiang was gone.

Eventually, Jonathan goes back to the ground of his old Flock to teach other gulls that (pp. 103-104): "Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom . . . " "Everything that limits us we have to put aside." "Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip is nothing more than thought itself, in a form that you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too. . . "