sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

Research Psychologist

Work Schedule: Full Time
Salary: $73,100 - $95,026
Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area

What is the most efficacious methodology for collecting or analyzing a particular set of "real world" data? What are the effects of major organizational changes on the workforce? Do employees have the tools and training they need to do their best work? What characteristics of individuals best predict success in non-standard occupations? What are the levels of customer satisfaction and employee engagement, and how are they related? Are these the kinds of questions you want to explore?

The Central Intelligence Agency can provide a fulfilling career for the curious and skilled researcher. Immediate openings are available for generalists in applied behavioral research. Duties will involve the practical application of professional knowledge and experience to exciting real-world situations. Research Psychologists work in a consulting environment, where they elicit client needs and design, conduct and report applied research to meet those needs. Relevant areas of experience for the ideal generalist include: Research Methodology & Experimental Design; Attitudinal Survey Development & Implementation; Advanced Statistical Analysis; Test Validation & Development; Research in Job Performance Measurement & Evaluation; Research in Personnel Selection & Placement; Human Factors & Human-Computer Interface Issues; Organizational Analysis & Development; and Database Design, Development, & Manipulation.


Minimum requirements include a PhD, with a strong background and interest in applied behavioral science research, research methodology and univariate and multivariate statistics, as well as competence in statistical computing and computer programming logic. Strong interpersonal skills, good writing and oral presentation skills, and the ability to work independently and as part of a team are also needed.

The processing time for applications frequently takes several months; therefore, individuals who are ABD, but close to their degree, are eligible to apply.

All applicants must successfully complete a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation. US citizenship is required.

To be considered suitable for Agency employment, applicants must generally not have used illegal drugs within the last twelve months. The issue of illegal drug use prior to twelve months ago is carefully evaluated during the medical and security processing.

Important Notice: Friends, family, individuals, or organizations may be interested to learn that you are an applicant for or an employee of the CIA. Their interest, however, may not be benign or in your best interest. You cannot control whom they would tell. We therefore ask you to exercise discretion and good judgment in disclosing your interest in a position with the Agency. You will receive further guidance on this topic as you proceed through your CIA employment processing.

To Apply:

Submit Resume Online

Note: Multiple submissions are unnecessary and will slow the processing of your resume. Of course, if you made an error in your submission or need to update your resume, you may submit another resume. The second resume will overwrite the first.

An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force.

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 06:52 PM

Last Updated: Jan 29, 2009 12:56 PM

Last Reviewed: Jan 29, 2009 12:56 PM

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